Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Peace all

peace, all! sorry it's been so long since the last entry, but my goodness it's hard to find time for writing! (a horrid reality i've struggled with for years.)
so much has been going on. i think i mentioned my husband and i reopened a restaurant... so much work and time i tell you. it's worth it because it's ours, and it is setting up so many possitive things for our children (jobs, work ethic,entrepreneurial skills, and the knowledge that you can achieve what you will through perserverance and hard work), but man am i pooped.
if anyone asked my advice about whether or not they should start a business i would give an emphatic 'yes!' however i would be certain to point out that being an entrepreneur must greatly be about the love and faith they have for their venture because for sure the money aspect doesn't usually start pouring in for a while. the food business even moreso. most of the money you make goes right back into the business, and then some. factor the emotional drainage with the financial and physical, and many days may find you questioning yourself as to if you've lost your mind for stepping so far out that darn limb. but of course, no one sees all that. everybody and their mama wants something from you because somehow they feel you have all this money falling out your butt, and want a piece of the action-- not earning it or contributing anything to 'the cause' however. my man michael baisden of 98.7 kiss-fm's 'love,lust and lies' says that you know your true friends when you have to move and when you are starting a business, and i have to and friends can oft times be your greatest barrier and negative force, but they must be overcome (or straight up kicked to the curb).
unfortunately, my husband and his huge (sappy) heart has had to learn that time and again, especially this time around. i have a huge heart too, but i am much better at reading people than he is.yet my warnings tend to fall on deaft ears-and ladies, we all know how difficult it is for our men to just take our darn advice sometimes! but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger i guess...
anyhow, to update last entry, i did go on and get that haircut, except i did it myself. i don't know how even (or not) it is, but it looks good to me. daddy was cool with it too. i did it without warning while the children and he were out, and when he came home he just said i looked pretty and that was basically it. so far as the massage, i'm still aching, chile. maybe i'll be able to make an appointent one of these days between laundering dishtowels, picking up supplies, and dealing with employees. i just hope it's not after the pregnancy... oh, speaking of pregnancy. how come when i went last week to purchase a few light weight blouses to deal with this heat, yet actually covers my rump (what's up with these fashions today, y'all??) i found myself digging further and further back on the size X rack? by the time i left the store- having visited the dressing room at least 3 times to find the right fit- i had several 3x's in my bag. now i'm really not complaining because 1) i know it's just the baby 2) the blouses are mad comfortable and 3) i really don't find anything wrong with a 'larger-sized' woman, so long as she's not sickly. i just find it fascinating though that i, miss medium (well, a little chunkier the past couple a years but still 'nice') am doning a 3x.
you know that was more fuel for my husband to insist i'm really having twins, though he says that everytime i'm with child. what can i say, i carry big. it's all good, but it does have me wondering what size child i'll be pushing out this time...ooch!... why do women insist on doing this over and again?? oh yeah, we're crazy... but if not us, then who, huh?

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