SubhanALLAH, Ramadaan is here! This is our 4th day in, and I'm lovin' it. I can't really say why; there's just something about Ramadaan. People who don't observe it's fast [etc.] may think that it's a struggle or burden, but it really isn't- not for me or my friends/family. In fact (and many of you can vouch for me), many times when we break fast we are not even in a rush to eat. We have to of course because we know our bodies have rights over us. My point though is that there's no feeling of deprivation or anything.
Then let us not forget Ramadaan is not just about 'doing without'. The point is to elevate ourselves back to the state in which we were created, via our father Adam. Fasting from food, drink, intercourse, as well as focusing more on charity, helping those who at the time may be struggling a little harder, etc. uplifts us spiritually, and focuses the attention where it needs to be: with the One Creator, ALLAH. Yet this month is meant to be a stepping stone, a template to how we should be- and in fact are ordered to be- throughout the rest of the year. InshALLAH, we will accept the hikma (wisdom) in it and live it consistently (Amin).
I'd like to say this Ramadaan is even more special to me because my sister has come back to the deen (subhanALLAH!). She hasn't been 'practicing' for a long time, but decided enough was enough for her, and has been getting up for suhur, making her salaah, and even plans to start back dressing modestly. I'm very proud of her.
Another thing I am grateful for is the fact that Ramadaan naturally enforces a communal bond, not just at the masjid (it's beautiful to see oodles of people praying, eating and playing together every night, especially with the weather being so pleasant), but within your personal circle. I truly enjoy getting up to prepare my family's suhur, and calling around to wake up other family/friends. (How often can you phone someone 4 in the morning, and it's all good??) It's a beautiful thing, and I'm just glad I was chosen to be a part of it. ALLAH certainly does give th ebest gifts, no?
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